VIDEO CONTENT - Generate Images from Bedrock API with Python in SageMaker Studio

This video shows how to generate images from the Amazon Bedrock API using Python code tested in a Jupiter notebook within Amazon SageMaker Studio. The code makes API calls to Bedrock to generate images based on text prompts and saves the resulting images to an S3 bucket. This demonstrates using SageMaker notebooks for iterative development and testing of code that interacts with AWS services like Bedrock and S3.

Alan Blockley

Learn how to generate images from the Amazon Bedrock API using Python code tested in a Jupiter notebook within Amazon SageMaker Studio. The code makes API calls to Bedrock to generate images based on text prompts and saves the resulting images to an S3 bucket, demonstrating using SageMaker notebooks for iterative development and testing of code that interacts with AWS services.


Amazon Cognito - Function over form

A backend developer's experience in adding user authentication to his backend application.

Alan Blockley

Many individuals, builders or backend developers, often grapple with the challenge of balancing function and form. Ultimately, the success of our application hinges on ensuring that the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Proof of Concept (PoC), or prototype functions smoothly before investing substantial resources into a flashy frontend.

However, there lies a conundrum – how do we control access to our application without prematurely exposing it to the entire internet?


AWS pre:Invent 2023 - My Top 5 (and more)

Deciding on 5 good things out of 228 things is not easy

Alan Blockley

Over the last 2 weeks, we’ve seen a lot of AWS announcements. Yes, that’s right, it’s AWS pre:invent season ahead of AWS re:invent in Las Vegas.

I’ve reviewed 228 different announcements and come up with, in my opinion, the Top 5 announcements, some honourable mentions and some observations.

(Before we dive into this, I’ll also make it known that I’d never give an opinion of a service I was not experienced with, so some announcements may not have been included in my list)

Multi-AZ vs. Multi-Region

When's the right time to go Multi region compared to Multi AZ?

Alan Blockley

Early this year, AWS officially unveiled its newest Australia region in Melbourne. This has caused many a conversation amongst customers as to whether now is the right time to look into a multi-region strategy or if a multiple availability zone strategy is the most cost-effective way of having an adequate disaster recovery plan.


AWS User Group Brisbane

It takes a village to raise an AWS cloud nerd

Alan Blockley

Over the course of my technical career, I’ve been exposed to many different learning resources;

  • AWS Formal Training
  • AWS Certification
  • AWS Skills Builder
  • AWS Dev Lounge
  • Hands-on experience
  • Positive encouragement from leadership to learn


AWS SAM Pipelines: Effortless Serverless Application Deployments

In this quickstart guide, we'll delve into the technical aspects of AWS SAM Pipelines and explore how they can simplify setting up your CI/CD workflows.

Alan Blockley

Welcome to the world of AWS SAM Pipelines, where the deployment of serverless applications becomes a seamless process. In this quickstart guide, we’ll delve into the technical aspects of AWS SAM Pipelines and explore how they can simplify setting up your CI/CD workflows. Get ready to master the art of serverless application deployments with AWS SAM Pipelines.


Demystifying permissions within AWS SAM resources

The difference between IAM Policies, AWS Connectors and SAM Policy Templates.

Alan Blockley

Permission seekers and control freaks, this one is for you!

In the complex world of AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), understanding permissions is the key to unlocking secure serverless magic. Picture this: An IAM policy, an AWS Connector and a function policy template walk into a bar… Okay, this is not the start of a bad joke, but your application will be if you don’t manage your permissions appropriately.

In this weeks post, we’ll explore the different permission mechanisms with some code examples for the visual learners amongst us. Prepare to navigate the realm of AWS SAM permissions.
