VIDEO CONTENT - Generative AI Fireside Chat

This episode features a fireside chat between two experts in generative AI, Buan Zivic and Matthew Mariel. They discuss the current state of generative AI including the hype, challenges with availability and infrastructure, productizing proofs of concept, and advice for organizations looking to leverage generative AI. Key topics include starting with problems not solutions, training models on internal data, and blurring definitions of chatbots.

Alan Blockley

Generative AI experts discuss current state and future


It’s not a chat bot: Writing Documentation

Generative AI use case that just work

Alan Blockley

As developers, we’ve all encountered it: the dreaded task of writing documentation. Whether it’s explaining your own code or trying to understand someone else’s, a lack of clear documentation can be a major headache. Often, we spend hours deciphering code when we could be writing new features or fixing bugs.


VIDEO CONTENT - The Sounding Board Episode 3 - AWS Serverless Databases

Alan Blockley

Are you ready to dive into the world of serverless databases? Join us for a brand new episode of The Sounding Board, “AWS Serverless Databases”!

Tune in as we kick off our journey into the realm of serverless technology with a special guest, Community Expert Bojan Zivic

Follow us now to be the first to know when the next episode of “The Sounding Board” goes live! Let’s embark on this serverless journey together.


Navigating the AI Landscape - Choosing the Right Tools for Your Needs

When to build and when to use prebuilt solutions.

Alan Blockley

In today’s tech-driven world, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changer for businesses aiming to boost efficiency, streamline operations, and uncover new opportunities. But for those just dipping their toes into the AI waters – whether they’re newbie engineers, CEOs, or startup founders – there’s a common dilemma: “What kind of AI fits my needs?” By the end of this I hope to unravel the AI maze, with a special focus on AWS services, offering insights to help you pick the perfect tools tailored to your goals.


VIDEO CONTENT - Serverless Functions Explained: How to build serverless APIs and functions with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

AWS Lambda allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. This video demonstrates how to create serverless functions with Lambda and connect them to APIs using API Gateway. Code samples are shown using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI to define and deploy serverless infrastructure as code.

Alan Blockley

Learn how to build serverless applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Step-by-step examples demonstrate creating serverless functions with Lambda and connecting them to APIs using SAM, the AWS Serverless Application Model CLI. Serverless concepts like triggers and events are also explained.


VIDEO CONTENT - Serverless Containers: Building a Serverless Website with AWS ECS Fargate

Building a simple website and migrating it from an EC2 instance to a serverless container architecture using AWS ECS Fargate. Learn how to create Docker containers, ECS clusters, task definitions and services.

Alan Blockley

Create a simple website, build a Docker container, deploy to ECS Fargate as a serverless container architecture. Learn container basics, ECS clusters, task definitions and services.

Video - Blog notifications in Slack

Get alerts for your favourite content

Alan Blockley

If you’re like me you like to be across all the news, all the time.

There are a few key sources that I use to keep myself updated including:

  • What’s New at AWS – Cloud Innovation & News
  • AWS News Blog

Each one of these sources has a slightly differing type of content but each is just as important as the other.

Build an AI image catalogue! - Claude 3 Haiku

Building an Intelligent Photo Album with AWS

Alan Blockley

If you’re into your Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/Generative AI and have been living under a rock, it may be news to you that Anthropic have now released their latest version of the Claude Large Language Model (LLM), which they have predictively named, Claude 3. But what’s not so predictable is that not only is this the third generation of Claude, but there are also three different variations of Claude.

In this post, we’re going to explore the creation of a basic, serverless, image cataloguing application using Claude 3 and explore how it enhances the functionality of our AI photo album application. Powered by Amazon Bedrock, this application leverages the poetic prowess of Claude 3 Haiku to provide insightful summaries of uploaded images.


Essential Steps for Securing Your AWS Environment

Master Your AWS Security with These Top 10 Cloud-Protecting Practices.

Alan Blockley

Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been buzzing around lately: security in AWS environments. As we kick off the year with new intentions and goals, it’s crucial to ensure that our AWS setups are fortified against potential threats. So, let’s delve into some fundamental steps you can take to bolster security within your AWS infrastructure.

A lot of customers have been talking about security recently. It’s the start of the year, new intentions means they want to get involved with different standards, etc. But the first place to start is with some basic foundations in security or as I call it, Well-Architected Security.

Start with the basic foundations of security before you go big. Otherwise, you’re going to find there’s a lot of work to do later.

Let’s go through my top 10 steps for securing your AWS Environment
