
VIDEO CONTENT - Generate Images from Bedrock API with Python in SageMaker Studio

This video shows how to generate images from the Amazon Bedrock API using Python code tested in a Jupiter notebook within Amazon SageMaker Studio. The code makes API calls to Bedrock to generate images based on text prompts and saves the resulting images to an S3 bucket. This demonstrates using SageMaker notebooks for iterative development and testing of code that interacts with AWS services like Bedrock and S3.

Alan Blockley

Learn how to generate images from the Amazon Bedrock API using Python code tested in a Jupiter notebook within Amazon SageMaker Studio. The code makes API calls to Bedrock to generate images based on text prompts and saves the resulting images to an S3 bucket, demonstrating using SageMaker notebooks for iterative development and testing of code that interacts with AWS services.


VIDEO CONTENT - AWS ECS: The Serverless Container Service

AWS ECS allows you to deploy and manage containers without servers. Learn how ECS clusters, services and tasks work and how Fargate removes infrastructure management for a serverless experience. Suitable for developers wanting to focus on code over servers. AWS ECS clusters, services and tasks explained. Benefits of using AWS Fargate for serverless containers.

Alan Blockley

ECS Serverless


VIDEO CONTENT - Creating an S3 Bucket in AWS: Console, CloudFormation and Terraform

AWS S3 Bucket Creation: Learn how to create an Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS Console, CloudFormation and Terraform with security best practices explained.

Alan Blockley

This video shows how to create an Amazon S3 bucket in 3 different ways - AWS Console, CloudFormation and Terraform. It also covers security best practices like blocking public access and using least privilege.


VIDEO CONTENT - How to Create a Secure S3 Bucket in AWS using the Console, CloudFormation and Terraform

Creating an S3 bucket is easy but ensuring security is key. Learn multiple methods for creating S3 buckets and securing them to prevent public access. AWS Console, CloudFormation, Terraform

Alan Blockley

Create S3 buckets the console way, with CloudFormation code and using Terraform. Learn defaults and how to secure newly created buckets to avoid public exposure
