The big bang, genesis, a new dawn… Day 1

Day 1

It’s always “Day 1”.

So I had the arduous task to build my own blog recently. It’s the time in my new Cloud Career of almost 2 years to start documenting my journey and create a self wiki of my projects.

Thoughts going through my head… WordPress, UGH! Netlify, ,maybe, raining, yep! closes laptop

Yeah ok, living in Australia and enjoying the outdoors can certainly have it’s hazards.

So, one of the coolest things I’ve achieved over the last 18 months is to go from knowing nearly nothing about Amazon Web Services (AWS) to becoming an AWS Certified Associate, 3 times over (Architect, Developer and SysOps Admin), as well as the Foundational exam (Cloud Practitioner). None of this was possible, of course, without an awesome employer to back my corner.

However, I slightly digress, I felt it was only apt that I attempt to build my own blog, in a simple format using server-less technology. This post serves as a scratch pad behind the ideas for the blog and future documentation.

The first thought in my mind was to use Email2S3 to post the blog… take body of email and post into Dynamo… OR … Take body of email and turn into an S3 object… S3 Metdata produced for Date/Who, etc. … Process needs a whitelist of people, how? … Process will insert body as a variable into a formatted html file.


I could make this easier on myself and use WordPress which that publishes to S3 via a Static Site generator, but that means having a WordPress site run too.

… watch this space.

Spoiler alert (This is an old post from an old blog and is for archive reasons ;))