
Back to Basics - Amazon ECS

What is Amazon ECS and how can it benefit me and my customers?

Alan Blockley

This blog post is based on a presentation I gave at the Brisbane AWS User group and by the end of this blog, I hope you’ll have a better understanding of Amazon ECS and the benefits it presents to you and your customers.


Creating an S3 bucket

Creating an AWS S3 bucket and how it's changed over the years

Alan Blockley

Hi, My name’s Alan and I’m a self proclaimed AWS evangelist and today I’m going to talk about Amazon S3. For a newbie in the AWS world, this could be daunting. So let’s start from the start. How do we create an S3 bucket?


VIDEO CONTENT - Creating an S3 Bucket in AWS: Console, CloudFormation and Terraform

AWS S3 Bucket Creation: Learn how to create an Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS Console, CloudFormation and Terraform with security best practices explained.

Alan Blockley

This video shows how to create an Amazon S3 bucket in 3 different ways - AWS Console, CloudFormation and Terraform. It also covers security best practices like blocking public access and using least privilege.


VIDEO CONTENT - How to Create a Secure S3 Bucket in AWS using the Console, CloudFormation and Terraform

Creating an S3 bucket is easy but ensuring security is key. Learn multiple methods for creating S3 buckets and securing them to prevent public access. AWS Console, CloudFormation, Terraform

Alan Blockley

Create S3 buckets the console way, with CloudFormation code and using Terraform. Learn defaults and how to secure newly created buckets to avoid public exposure


AWS Item Writing

AWS Item Writing

Alan Blockley

Over the last 12 months I have been working on a volunteer project which allows me to give back to the AWS Certification community. For my efforts over the last 12 months Amazon Web Services Training and Certification awarded me with the “Subject Matter Expert - Associate” badge.

Working with AWS Regions in Python

Something quick to help with multi region scripts

Alan Blockley

It’s been a whilst since I posted so thought I’d share a snippet I threw together whilst writing a Python script.

In this post I’ll show you how you can acheive an action in Python using the boto3 library on multiple regions.

First Day New Job

Mixed emotions as I start down a new career path

Alan Blockley

I’ve spent the last 3 years and 9 months working as an internal MSP to a group of businesses with varying requirements. Other than being part of the same group, they all had one thing in common. They were AWS customers. In fact we went so far to become an AWS Partner, become an AWS Solutions provider and on the journey become an AWS Professional.

Today was the first day of the next step in my career.

Careers With Certs - Full Article

What jobs can I get… ?

Alan Blockley

This was originally a series of posts explaining careers within the AWS skillset and their related certifications. I’ve now consolodated them into a single post to read easier.

“Hi guys. Just wondering once you complete the AWS Associate certification. What kind of jobs can you do and what’s the pay like?”